Sleep well, my baby
Get sound, quality sleep for your baby
Are you struggling because you are running on empty? Being a mom is the hardest job in the world, and when you and your baby are not getting enough sleep, the job becomes even harder. Through Liat Beer’s expert guidance, gain knowledge of healthy sleep habits that will last you and your family a lifetime.

Infants & Children
Is your two year old crawling in bed with you? Does your bedtime routine seem to be getting longer and longer every night? Let Liat guide you in developing practical and effective solutions that will help your child get a better nights sleep.

Sleep deprived and at your wits-end? Newborns are tough. They need sleep and so do you! The good news is that from the minute your baby is born, healthy sleep habits can be learned. It’s time to bring in the experts to show you how.

Need help with a baby registry? Advice on what to pack in your hospital bag? How about setting up the perfect sleep environment for your new little one? Liat can prepare you for a healthy start, even before your baby is born.