
Meet Liat
I am the mother of three and the founder of MommyU®. I am also a licensed psychotherapist and Certified Gentle Sleep Coach who lives in San Diego, CA.
After my first son was born, I struggled, like many of you, with the growing pains of motherhood and many, many sleepless nights. I did everything wrong- nursed at all hours, whenever he wanted, and survived on 30 minute power naps. I was miserable. He was miserable. Finally, I got help, and after seeing the results first hand, I was hooked. I knew right then that I wanted to give this gift to the rest of the world. I had to share the knowledge of healthy sleep habits and offer solace to new and experienced moms everywhere.
When I learned I was pregant with twins (and soon to have three children under three!), I began my journey into discovering everything there is to know about sleep. I implemented the very same program I am offering you and had my babies sleeping 12.5 hours a night by four months, taking three solid naps, all while getting my three year old adjusted to a big boy bed. You too can have this gift of sleep! At MommyU®, we are here to help you customize a plan that fits your unique family and solve your sleep problems once and for all. Let me help you get the sleep your whole family deserves.
Liat Beer, LCSW, is a highly sought after infant and toddler sleep consultant, helping families all over the world regain their sleep so they can live their healthiest life.